Graham and clan

Graham just looking sexy af in his garage with his gerbil

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They’re sooo in love! (I mean I love them!)

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A moments peace with little Annabelle

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Uncle Nathan steals his niece for the afternoon. He just recently became an adult. He’s married but has no children.

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Nanny Shingo visits a lot too. He never really looked after Annabelle, but he helped raise Caleb, and he was nanny to Elliot a few times too. Nanny Shingo used to be an elder but I aged him down, and I will give him his own story soon. A new nanny will generate and I think Shingo will marry his GF and become a doctor. He has so many friends, the parents and children he looked after!

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Big sister Abigail teases brother Colby, he’s hotheaded so he’s easily provoked. Kris is just soaking this all in.

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Kris is feeling tense from all the kids stuff. “Dude, YOU came over uninvited!”

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Abigail reminds Colby of an embarrassing childhood moment.

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Abi and Kris love watching their dad play.

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Graham was feeling angry because of all the kids in his house so he had a rage fueled run.

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Every single day, family and friends show up to visit this house. Which is great! I love it! But then there is that one time someone asks to come over and it’s like REALLY? You show up unannounced all the time! LOOL I love this stupid game.


Big changes for Ewan and Jade

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They started a family!

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Ewan became proud papa to Dylan.

Ewan wanted a change to his look, he’d been pulling his hair back in a man bun for years. But Jade loved his long hair and didn’t want him to change too much, so he found a compromise. Truth be told, he liked his long hair too.

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Frickin’ hell he’s a sexy sim :’)

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Ewan is officially quite lean now, although not level 10 Fitness yet, he’s close. He’s now more or less muscle, and almost -100 fat.

This is their son Dylan as a toddler.

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Colin’s legacy

Sometimes, when you are an evil, insensitive sim, you can’t help but upset your kids!

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But a smooth apology usually smooths things over…

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And a little hug…

I’m back to playing Colin JR costarring Aiden, Henry and Megan… I want to get Henry married, moved out and aged up. He’s the oldest grandchild and! he ought to become an adult soon…


Padraig’s children

Padraig’s twins Mairead and Cian grew up, and he took them to meet their half brother, Kaito;

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And they met their brother Cormac (who is sitting on the couch in disguise)

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Cormac is a loner though so he was a bit shy at first.

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Megan wasnt even angry despite being surrounded by three children.

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Padraig’s biological son Francis is soon to grow up. But Padraig is going to enjoy every last moment with him while he still can. He knows that Francis is the last child he’ll ever have. (He’s had 8! Logan, Rhys, Saoirse, Deaglan, Ciaran, Mairead, Cian, Francis) [names in bold are alien abduction)

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It hasn’t always been easy raising these kids, but he wouldn’t change it for anything.


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I just wanted to show off the gorgeous shading and lighting on his face here. Part of this is the contouring overlay… its not a BIG difference, it gives a little forehead, cheek, and chin shine, and a shadow under the lower lip. It also adds a bit of shade under the eye, slightly darkens shading at the base of the nose and around the eyes. I mean, Luumia’s skins are beautiful to begin with, but this just enhances it, and for some reason he looked really good and glowy here in the sauna.

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Some happy honeymoon pics

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Colin is feeling sorry for himself. He’s trying to change, growing his hair a little, taking his earrings out. He wants to come off as more mature and approachable. But its tough when you are evil, argumentative, have emotions that are out of control and are insensitive.

He’s feeling depressed and lonely and wants to get to know a friend of Nikita’s named Megan. Megan is really cute he thinks, she’s good, but cute. He’s just so profoundly lonely… and so unhappy. At least he has his sons to care for.


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She said yes!! (Or rather, yibs)

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Things are going well with Malcolm and Nikita; they are best friends. Within a few weeks, he’ll ask her to marry him. But he’ll have to move in with her. I’ll miss him.

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Cormac and Harry are getting along well.

Family life

Being an Evil sim, one might find it easy to conclude that Colin JR is a selfish individual who enjoys the misery of others. While that is somewhat true, when it comes to his children, it’s still true. However, he’s still taken to fatherhood quite well, taking full responsibility of his children and caring for their needs.

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He really adores his sons and enjoys spending quality time with them. He’s determined to raise his children well, so they grow up well, better than he did. It wasn’t that Colin had a bad childhood. In fact he was well cared for. But he developed evilness, an evilness his parents just couldn’t discipline out of him. He became ill mannered, argumentative, prone to emotional outbursts, and insensitive.

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Fortunately for Colin, when he needs a little break or a sleep-in, there is always cousin Aiden, (or Henry JR, Malcolm and Preston) to help out with a little potty training or breakfast.

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Colin has really done his best to provide well for his sons. He built this beautiful playroom, since they don’t really have yard space for outdoor toys. Colin knows though, that quality time is most important, not stuff.

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The fabric of his marriage is starting to slowly unravel. They had a big fight about parenting. He’s trying to keep it together best he can.


What a pity


Just as I suspected, Malcolm’s and Thomas’ faces align with each other almost perfectly… proving that Malcolm inherited Thomas facial spacing.

This is coincidence, you may wonder? Not at all. You see, my self-sim, has a rather wide gap between her nose and upper lip, just like me in real life. Mina’s sons ALL inherited that rather wide gap between their nose and mouth, proving that facial spacing is an inheritable trait.

You can also inherit your parents profile. WHich is why the genetics in the game amaze me.

What a pity for those of you who did not experience goodness with your sims that were born in game. Perhaps your sims all look the same? 😉 JOKING


Thomas face overlaid on his sons^ a near perfect match (I may have inadvertently tampered with the height of Malcolm’s eyes when adjusting his brows)


Their face shape (jaw/chin) is identical, but Malcolm inherited his mother’s chin (without the cleft)

So the same facial spacing is why I can “see Thomas” in his son, even though his son actually has his mother’s nose and eyes… Maybe you can’t see it, but this is my sim and I’ve played him all his life, and I’ve played his father all of his life… I can see it.

Now compare Colin JR to Malcolm. They are brothers. Colin JR got his dad’s cleft chin, but it seems apparent that he’s got his mother’s jawline (which works out for him, I never altered his face) because his jaw is quite different from his brothers.

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10-13-17_4-34-21 PM

Henry JR poses with his grandfather, Henry SR. Henry SR’s firstborn Quinn is Henry JR’s mother. Henry JR is Henry SR’s first grandchild. Henry JR got Henry’s chin and nose. He always admired his grandfather and wanted to be just like him (thus the same hair)

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Malcolm with his father Thomas, who is son of Henry (SR). Also grandson of Henry SR.

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